Установка видеодрайвера AMD-GPU-PRO Download
A direct link to download the Linux AMDGPU-Pro driver is given below and it is also available on the Driver Download Page. This file has a "tar.xz"
extension which reflects a more-effective c ompression algorithm that (in most cases) creates a smaller archive than the more common gzip format.
AMD Radeon™ Software AMDGPU-PRO Beta Driver for Linux® Version 16.60 for Red Hat 7.3
https://www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/rhel ... 184.tar.xzNOTE: This file can also be located via the Driver Download Page by locating your card and selecting the Linux Driver link.
After the archive is downloaded, extract the contents to a temporary location from which you can install it. The example below assumes you have
downloaded the archive to /tmp and will extract to the same location. If your file was downloaded into the ~/Downloads/ folder by default, you
can also extract and install from there, and afterwards you can remove the install files.
- Код: выделить все
cd /tmp
tar -Jxvf amdgpu-pro-16.60-379184.tar.xz
The AMDGPU-Pro driver requires access to specific RPMs from Red Hat installation media as well as Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) for
purposes of dependency resolution. A script named amdgpu-pro-pre-install.sh (available here) will confirm that all required prerequisite files
and repositories are available in order to successfully install the AMDGPU-Pro driver in the Red Hat environment. It can be run as follows:
- Код: выделить все
sh amdgpu-pro-preinstall.sh --check
This will check if the required repositories are available to ensure a smooth installation. If there are any warnings, the script can be executed
again without any options to build the necessary repositories
- Код: выделить все
sh amdgpu-pro-preinstall.sh
Note that an internet connection will be required if EPEL is not found and Red Hat installation media from a DVD, USB key or a mounted ISO will be
required if the system does not have an active Red Hat Subscription.
Once the archive is expanded on the local machine and the amdgpu-pro-preinstall script has successfully confirmed all prerequisites, run the
extracted script (amdgpu-pro-install) to install the graphics stack.
- Код: выделить все
cd amdgpu-pro-16.60-379184
./amdgpu-pro-install -y
ln -sf /opt/amdgpu-pro/lib64/libGL.so.1.2 /usr/lib64/libGL.so.1
ln -sf /opt/amdgpu-pro/lib64/libGL.so.1.2 /usr/lib64/libGL.so